All of these opportunities were born out of the fact that people began to realize that not only was tattooing an art, but that these artists were very skilled. With a multitude of tattooing milieus available for study, tattoo art has continually gotten better. Tattoo artists commonly choose one form, whether it be Japanese, portrait, freelance, or any number of others, and then focus specifically on developing their skill and expertise in that style. This results in happier customers, a more defined customer base for the artist, and better art for the artistic community.
Advancements in technology are the key to growth and success in any business. The business of tattoo art is no different. Tattoo machines are of a much higher quality than they were even a few years ago and they have expanded the scope and range of work that an artist can do. Though there are some ancient methods of tattooing that produce intricate detail, they are very time consuming and as a result, very costly.
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